Aromatherapy Star Sign – Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov)

Aromatherapy Star Sign – Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov)
Ruler: Mars
Colour: Scarlet
Element: Water
Season: Winter
Essential Oils: Peppermint, Lemon, Chamomile and Lavender

The Scorpio Personality
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and represented by the scorpion. Scorpios are truly the contradicting sign. They can be the best and worst of both worlds – independent and clingy, loving and cold. Above all else, they are intense about almost everything. Scorpios are often mysterious because their true feelings run so deep and they keep their emotions hidden. They are very intuitive. They have determination and loyalty and are popular leaders. They are very adaptable, often changing careers and going down new paths. Scorpios are very loyal friends, but can be possessive. Scorpios are also conservative when it comes to money but when they do spend it they know the right investments to make and can be kind and generous.

Your Aromatherapy Star Sign - Libra (24 Sept to 23 Oct)

Here's the latest guide to Essential Oils in Harmony with Star Signs and Planetary Rulers.

Astrological Sign - Libra
Dates - 24 September to 23 October
Ruler - Venus
Colour - Green
Aromatic - Rose, Geranium & Clary Sage
Element - Air
Season - Spring